Chasing Redbird

By: Sharon Creech
Published By: HarperTrophy
261 pages
Zinny's summer started out exactly bow any other summer would have started. She was 13, and she was looking forward to being out of school and adventuring on her own time. But, on one of these adventures, Zinny discovered something she hadn't known about before that could change everything. As she was walking, she stumbled upon an old trail cutting through the woods. At first, it was just an old trail, but she realized that if she could clear it, it could finally make people notice her; she wouldn't be a nobody anymore if she did something great.
This project, as she soon found out, would not be a one day ordeal. This clearing of the trail would take all summer. Although, this project wouldn't be so ordinary either. This trail was the key to all her questions, as well as a place that she could call her own. This trail had the possibility to unlock the answers to her Aunt Jessie's death, and as to why her family was so unorganized and un-understandable. The only way to answer these questions though was to find out where the trail went.