Friday, April 8, 2016

If I Stay

If I Stay
By: Gayle Forman
Publisher: Dutton Penguin
210 Pages
Reviewed by: Karla Rodriguez

If I Stay is a book about a talented cellist who was in a terrible car crash with her family. She's stuck in between life and death; and as she notices she's in a coma, she sees all of her family as they died on the scene where the car crash happened. She sees all of her family and her boyfriend come and visit her. She has to choose between life or death which she found more difficult than she would've thought.

This book is recommended for people who love suspense and a little bit of romance. This book is filled with anticipation and it is filled with emotion. It's more of a "girly" book per say, but if you like reading slight romance novels it's definitely a must on your reading list.

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